@ChrisPerkinsDnD If you could choose one celebrity to play Strahd in a movie, who would it be?
— Gaurav Gulati (@DoubleGXG) April 12, 2017
Odd choice, but I think a broody Chris Hemsworth could pull it off. The role requires a strong physical presence and a certain agelessness. https://t.co/lw0G5o2mhj
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 12, 2017
@MissBeazus @ChrisPerkinsDnD I feel like he's almost too sexy for Strahd.
— KateiKab00m (@kateikab00m) April 12, 2017
You might be right, but I think he's good enough to make us forget about that. https://t.co/GyLHkwLjYK
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 12, 2017
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Hugo weaving
— Ricardo D Rebelo (@ricrebelo) April 12, 2017
Good choice for Strahd. https://t.co/m23qdZVXcz
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 12, 2017
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Charles Dance would be good i think 😉
— Mikeru Mikeru (@Mikerukun) April 12, 2017
A colder, more mature Strahd. https://t.co/QvoZbjvGv7
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 12, 2017
@theoreticalevil @ChrisPerkinsDnDcould pull it off given his role as the necromancy Szorlok in the past?
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Nah, Strahd's a far more imposing figure than I could pull off, imo. I'd second Chris' recommendation!— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) April 12, 2017
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Ok, but what about Van Richten? I'm thinking Michael Hogan
— Joe Voorhorst (@NinjaJoe175) April 12, 2017
Were he still with us, I'd say John Hurt. Other thoughts: Ian Holm, Ben Kingsley. Also Francis Conroy, Tilda Swinton, Cloris Leachman. https://t.co/Afw0qEjl7w
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 12, 2017
@Aww_Coffee @ChrisPerkinsDnD Heh. Well, if Ian @IanMcKellen But who would you cast to play But who would you cast to play was busy, I could play myself. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 13, 2017
@Aww_Coffee @ChrisPerkinsDnD @IanMcKellenyou’re in the running. Will you do your own stunts? There might be wirework. Of course I'll do my own stunts. You only die once, and I've mastered "Why…er…" ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 13, 2017
Hugo Weaving would be a catch, and Rictoven….In a movie version I might go smaller on his role, The alley feature shouldn’t happen as much, all the allies should be red shirts essentially. Rictoven should be an old man, like they did with the Strain.
Also this should b e Netfilx series, not a movie.