@mikemearls I was reading the Tabaxi race in Volo's and realized there was no race based on dogs. Any particular reason why?
— Shayne Gunsher (@skinnier_jeans) July 30, 2017
We thought about doing one, and still might – wanted to do something with a bit more than just dog person, like tabaxi's Mesoamerican feel https://t.co/20pqA6sgm8
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 31, 2017
I for one am cool with that. 3.5 got pretty bloated with animal people. Make the dog folk truly unique 🙂
Model them after Jackals and have the race be from Mulhorand? As some sort of ancient race of tomb protectors?
I would like a whole book/PDF on various beastmen. I.e. rabbitmen, dogmen goatmen, bearfolk etc. All playable with some culture stuff not much like what they did for the tabaxi.