I no longer roll ability scores in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, but I suspect it wouldn’t be that bad. While ability scores matter, I don’t think it is quite to the extent as in 3e, which is where I really fell in love with point buy.
— Merric Blackman (@MerricB) July 22, 2021
In my experience playing and running, it turns depending whether or not you use feats. If you use feats, high ability score rolls let people take feats with less tradeoff since they can max their scores earlier/using fewer ASIs.
It’s not a huge deal, but it’s a deal. The bigger issue in my groups is there's always someone who just won't have as much fun if their character is noticeably worse at doing things than others. Point buy/standard take that feelbad off the table.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) July 22, 2021
Yeah, and point buy remains my standard. I do wonder, though how much earlier editions colour my thoughts of rolling vs point buy.
— Merric Blackman (@MerricB) July 22, 2021
I like point but better because it avoids any hurt feelings when one person rolls unusually low and another wells well above the odds.
— Greg Marks 🔜 Gamehole Con 2021 (@Skerrit7h3green) July 23, 2021
As a player, I only use standard array. I don’t like the cheesy idea of rolling stats. I say cheesy because for me, I’d just keep rolling until I ended up wit h good stats. I am sure a few first level PCs ran into ogre dens so the player could reroll!
— Merric Blackman (@MerricB) July 22, 2021