@ozmillsI can’t find reference to if Kalashtar retain memories of previous lives or life pre-travel-to-the-material-plane. Do they? The mortal kalashtar doesn't retain memories of previous kalashtar lives. However…
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 11, 2017
@ozmills But like normal dreams, these are not clear, precise, or perfectly preserved in memory. (And these dreams don't take them to Dal Quor.)
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 11, 2017
@ozmills But like normal dreams, these are not clear, precise, or perfectly preserved in memory. (And these dreams don't take them to Dal Quor.)
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 11, 2017
@ozmills Oh I was under the impression the kalashtar didn’t sleep! This changes a few things, thank you! They sleep, but can't be affected by the Dream or Nightmare spells because their spirits don't connect to Dal Quor.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) May 11, 2017