@mikemearls Hi How would you deal with a player who is reading the module for the campaign your running and meta-gaming that knowledge?
— Steven Connor (@Mazoshi1987) August 20, 2017
Talk to the player. Reading ahead is making the game less fun for everyone else. If they're not dicks, they'll stop. https://t.co/AdACdV8nLn
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 20, 2017
Some mentioned changing the adventure. That can totally work, but would want to understand why it's happening if it's more than being a jerk
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 20, 2017
1. Talk to said player privately to find out why they are doing this. It may be that they thought this was the right way to play a mod.
2. Let them know that it’s not O.K. to do this and politely and respectfully request they stop.
3. Work with them so they understand player v.s. character knowledge.
4. If they keep it up, begin adding other mods to the original mod. They are called modules because they are designed to be modular. Some of the added stuff is red herring and some is not. Secretly keep track and adjust to thwart the meta-gamer.
5. When the mod is finally completed speak with the meta-gamer again. Let them know this kind of behaviour is not acceptable. Repeated offenses will result in their being removed from the table. Explain why. Make every effort to aid the player in avoiding meta-gaming.
6. Stick to your guns. If the offending player insists on meta-gaming exclude them from future sessions.