How would a 1v1 duel between Telamont Tanthul and Mordenkainen would end?

One thought on “How would a 1v1 duel between Telamont Tanthul and Mordenkainen would end?

  1. Telamont Tanthul is more than two thousand years old, and he is level 30+ because he deserves to be. Pitting Mordenkainen against him would be like giving a child a stick and sending him into the forest at night to hunt a bear.

    You cannot compare their accomplishments. Telamont has access to all the spells available at the height of Netheril, and in two thousand years of practice he has certainly invented dozens more which he reserves solely for his own use.

    He is *twice* the age of Elminster. There was no goddess watching over him as he grew up. Most of his life was spent in the shadowfell, which is a far more hostile environment than the prime. He has led Thultanthar through dozens of wars and participated in thousands of combats against all kinds of awful stuff.

    Saying that Telamont is spoiled and soft while Mordenkainen is “hard” is absurd.

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