@ChrisPerkinsDnD @mikemearls @SageAdviceDnD @JeremyECrawfordWhen two effects have the same trigger option like in the start of your turn and beholder's central eye syates: "At the start of each of its turns."
— Lexar (@Lexar131) April 14, 2016
@ChrisPerkinsDnD @mikemearls @SageAdviceDnD @JeremyECrawford So does beholder eye nulifies the spell, or beholder takes damage?
— Lexar (@Lexar131) April 14, 2016
As DM, I let the person whose turn it is decide the order of things that happen simultaneously. #DnD https://t.co/ud2H88htB2
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) April 20, 2016