…to either the Council of Zulkirs, or the Zulkir of ‘their’ school if they’re dedicated to a school of magic, or Szass Tam (depending on when we’re speaking of). Venerating Mystra (or Azuth, or Savras back in the day), is…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 9, 2019
…readily tolerated because such worship by and large doesn’t infringe on the loyalty of a Red Wizard. Other faiths (Talos included) are accommodated insofar as they don’t challenge the ‘Thay first’ loyalties of a Red Wizard. 4)
(Remember, all sentient, sane mortals in the Realms ‘believe in’ all of the gods and at least lip-service worship them on a propitiate ‘hold-wrath-at-bay’/‘win temporary favour’ basis.)
A Red Wizard who magically called up…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 9, 2019
…destructive storms to please Talos that ravaged parts of Thay would be sharply curbed, even demoted, but a Red Wizard who calls up the exact same storms to ravage elsewhere than Thay would not be. If they did so in pursuit 6)
…of a Thayvian operation/mission/goal agreed-upon by their superiors (their zulkir, or the Council of Zulkirs, or Szass Tam), they would win approval.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 9, 2019