How deep a hole can you actually dig with Mold Earth?

One thought on “How deep a hole can you actually dig with Mold Earth?

  1. Roy says:

    not quite Mike. you can have 2 of the spells working at once. because it specifies up to a 5′ cube of rock or stone, make one spell move the 5’x5’x5′ earth and have a 5’4″ x 5’4″ X a few inches thick slab of stone being moved for the second effect. because of geometry, a therorectical 5’7″X5″7″ plane could fit inside a 5′ cube. now the stone wedges itself into the dirt walls stopping the loose dirt from falling. raise both up 5′ and drop them again. No need to do the strip mining staircase, use the stone elevator method.

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