I have a question regarding the forge adept artificer that I haven’t been able to solve. Ghaal’shaarat says you can touch a magic weapon, so could you use enhanced weapon infusion and then ghaal’sharat for a +2 bonus at lvl3? Seems like RAW but not sure if RAI The Ghaal'shaarat states that it grants a +1 bonus "unless the base weapon you imbued already has a higher bonus." Enhancement bonuses aren't cumulative. If it's a +1 weapon already it thus stays a +1 weapon. If you use your 8th level +2 bonus on a +1 weapon, it becomes +2.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 18, 2021
The point is that is that you keep OTHER properties of the weapon. So if you turn a Flame Tongue into your Ghaal'shaarat it gains a +1 to hit/damage while also retaining the fire damage effect. But you use the best enhancement bonus of the two, you never combine them.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 18, 2021