@JeremyECrawford Find Steeds intelligent and get their own initiative and attack? Any limit on CR on a steed for the Find Steed spell?
— Ryan Hagan (@SalmonSquire) August 24, 2015
The mount summoned by the find steed spell serves the summoner. It isn't an independent creature. https://t.co/1wQTT6SEeT
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 24, 2015
@JeremyECrawford DM interprets Find Steed mounts to be subject to his approval and, so far, has allowed CR 2-3 creatures. Intent of spell?
— Mike Cruz (@fourtharc35) August 21, 2015
The caster of find steed picks from the list of beasts in the spell, unless your DM says otherwise. Limit set by DM. https://t.co/eFF12E55WS
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) August 24, 2015
Aren’t there two options? PHB: While you’re mounted, you have two options. You
can either control the mount or allow it to act independently.
Find Steed creates a celestial/fey/fiendish spirit that has no training. It is an intelligent being that can understand any one language you choose, whether that be elvish, common, or draconic. It has an instinctive bond with the summoner. It is magic.
It only qualifies to act independently, it can’t be controlled because it is not a domesticated animal with training, per raw.
It is a magically summoned spirit that assumes a form you choose.
I don’t know how what is in the book can be interpreted to mean it is not an intelligent spirit that couldn’t act independently. It seems to be the only way it can act.