Hey, #dnd folks, how do you and those you player with feel about “you must encounter creature X before you can transform into it or summon it”? This is mostly commonly used for druids, but I’m asking for other reasons.
It feels thematic, but does it actually add or limit fun? Wow – so much great insight and so quickly! Tyvm – more thoughts welcome! 🙂
I'm working on a Demonologist subclass that can partially transform into a fiend. I think I won't limit it, but will include a sidebar, suggesting other ways it can be used/run – with limitations.
— Andrew B. @SwordCompass@dice.camp (@SwordCompass) October 30, 2022
I’ve never liked it. If encounters must occur in-game, it limits character background options. “Are you telling me that my Chultan lizardfolk druid has never seen a dinosaur?” I think every PC, whatever their level, can plausibly be said to have encountered the wildlife of wherever they're from before a single session is played. A Chultan lizardfolk druid has obviously seen ALL the dinosaurs—but probably not an elk or a bear.
— Keith Ammann 🤞🔜 PAX Unplugged (@KeithAmmann) October 30, 2022
I use that idea, but extend it to any creature you’ve seen (not necessarily fought) or studied in some other way. So a player who wants to wild shape or polymorph or what have you has lots of latitude to say they’ve bumped into or read about any relatively common creatures.
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) October 30, 2022