Jesper Haglund @Kajehase · 49s
Replying to @TheEdVerse
On the same topic, does the mind flayers have to eat the brains of their victims raw, or is there perchance a brisk trade in recipes for the best way to prepare various species' grey matter?— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 14, 2020
If mind flayers want to glean the memories and “deeper” thoughts of their victims, they must devour the brains raw. 2)
Strong emotions at the end of life (such as terror) and last ‘surface thoughts’ will survive most cooking processes that don’t involve charring the brain or long marinade periods. So there are brain-preparation recipes, and…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 14, 2020
…swapping of them, but they are usually used only to enliven illithid ennui, when forced to dine on ‘stupid,’ uninteresting victims. Most mind flayers seek hidden knowledge and unusual memories, and don’t want to miss any.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 14, 2020