Hi @HellcowKeith, #Eberron #DnD question – what’s the status of textiles? Do people buy whole pieces of clothing from the Cannith/the Fabricators Guild? Buy cloth but assemble themselves? Or does Cannith not deal with textiles? Followup question – Does Cannith control Breland's "manufactured goods and heavy industry" (ECS)? Just regulate/license? (Is this just an example of Cannith South's continued strength post-war?)
— ChaosOS (@ChaosOS_59) November 23, 2019
In both cases, Cannith largely regulates and licenses. Looking to Brelish industry, the Fabricator's Guild also builds the tools USED in industry. So they are getting a piece of the action, but they don't actively run every foundry in Breland (though they do run some of them).
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 23, 2019
Looking to textiles, I'd say that they are a source of bulk fabric and looms, but not so much in the business of fashion and general production of clothing. Tools and raw materials, not final product.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 23, 2019
So the local weaver bulk imports a crate of cotton cloth (stamped with the gorgon seal) that’s delivered by an Orien caravan, and turns that into clothing she sells to the community? Correct!
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 23, 2019