Dan Dillon is the new Dungeons&Dragons game designer! Bravo!

I’m so happy for Dan, because he was one of the first sageadvice.eu follower, he helps our community via tweets where my poor english couldn’t. I met him two times and the feeling that I had was a tall beared good guy with a solid passion and determination for our favourite game.
Really, I’m proud of you.
Bravo Master Dan!

2 thoughts on “Dan Dillon is the new Dungeons&Dragons game designer! Bravo!

  1. Wow well done man! Now we have a guy from WotC in the RAW 5E group! And the beastmaster endorser no less! Finally!
    Congratulations Dan.

    • If only I could have edited my comment.

      I remember when you had just joined the RAW group in its inception stages, within the first month or two at the very latest. One of the most reasonable & helpful in the group by far.

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