Dear @TheEdVerse , well met! Sorry if this has been asked before, but could you tell us a little about your original Chessenta? I guess it was not based on Ancient Greece, right?
— Ricardo Williams (@rwgs76) August 10, 2020
No part of my original Realms was based on any direct real-world analogues. (Many designers and DMs have made real-world connections for their own convenience.) Chessenta is a verdant region of many independent city-states, so it could be stretched into a…2)
…comparison with real-world Italy in the time of the condottieri (Middle Ages, just pre-War of the Renaissance) because of climate, wealth, and politics, but I warn again against linking the Realms too closely with what we know of that real-world time and place.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 10, 2020
The Realms is its own world, hopefully NOT a thin copy of ours (or Hollywood-ours).
Chessenta is a gently hilly land of good ports, horsebreeders, successful food-growing farms (and thus, a breadbasket for nearby lands), winding lanes, enough wealth and leisure… 4)
…for painters and sculptors to make good livings and adorn many dwellings with their work, many landscape-transforming gardens, widespread irrigation, good roads and inns and therefore swift travel, and a flourishing culture of writers and readers. Plus wine!#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 10, 2020