@TheEdVerse Hi Ed, hope you’re well. Years ago on the Candlekeep forums (I posted as “Gerath Hoan”) you gave me some details on House Hiloar, the minor noble family in Arabel. I was wondering if you might be so kind as to give me an update on their fortunes in the 1490s DR?
— M605 (@Mercury605) February 5, 2020
I definitely didn’t see this earlier! But here we go…
As of the late 1490s DR, House Hiloar is still resident in Arabel, with family members also dwelling in Suzail and several Sembian cities. They have continued to diversify, … 2)
…notably into investments in Sembian urban real estate that took advantage of the temporary collapse of prices during the Sembian-Netherese warfar, and were largely ignored by the War Wizards in the wake of Vangerdahast’s…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 17, 2020
…departure from the scene (in human form).
So right now (late 1490s), the patriarch of House Hiloar is Lord Berenthar Hiloar, who dwells in the family mansion in Arabel with his wife Lady Aurandra, his aging aunt and irascible… 4)
…terror Lady Hulburtha Hiloar, and their youngest sons, Lords Andlurs, Canthlorn, and Pheldrar.
Berenthar and Aurandra’s three oldest children (like all siblings here, named in first-to-last birth order) are adults (and styled…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 17, 2020
…Lords and Ladies): son Durlanthur (heir, and so forced to live in Suzail and increasingly resenting it), daughter Mylandra (very wealthy thanks to being a shrewd investor in shipping and new household items; she collects 6)
…minor protective magics and female lovers she forms firm friendships with, and dwells in Selgaunt), and son Lygard (a bit of a wild rake and adventuring rapscallion who has narrowly escaped bad scrapes in Westgate and…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 17, 2020
…Saerloon, and so accepted his father’s “reposting” to Athkatla, where he’s begun his shady adventures anew).
Berenthar has two living brothers, Tonstral in Darrowmar and Felvaran in Luthcheq. Both have outlived their wives, 8)
…but have sons and daughters scattered all over the Heartlands and the Sea of Fallen Stars ports, busily pursuing mercantile careers. (These families use their titles when it benefits them, or when in Cormyr, and don’t bother…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 17, 2020
…the rest of the time.) Tonstral has two sons, one older and one younger than his five daughters: Kuldath, Mierelle (“MEE-air-ell”), Shantra, Valarra, Nove, Naryathla, and Durvrek, all moderately-successful merchants who are 10)
…increasingly investing in crafters who make things, as opposed to their former focus on warehousing, bulk cargo trading, and shipping.
Felvaran has three daughters and a younger son; the daughters (Pelaerra, Alyeene, and…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 17, 2020
…Duskarra) are tireless and successful merchant traders and travelers, who may be encountered almost anywhere in Faerûn doing deals and shepherding cargoes, whereas the son, Hondur, keeps to Chessenta and has developed a 12)
…reputation for swindling and shady-work. Increasingly, he’s taken to hiring adventurers to rob and even kill trade rivals.
That’s the short version. ;}#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 17, 2020