What is your advice on changing the concentration mechanic in 5e? Should it be left alone? Or does it not have a big impact?
@7ibel It is one of the few things I would say are fundamental to the game being functional. I would not change it.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) April 12, 2015
@7ibelWhat if a feature allowed you to concentrate on 2 spells so long as one was a 1st-level or a cantrip. Useless or game breaking? It's just a door I wouldn't open. Many spells require concentration not b/c of power, but because of how they slow down play.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) April 12, 2015
@7ibel Plus, even if it's OK now, who knows what spells might be created in the future that would then make it not OK?
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) April 12, 2015
Yeah, you’re right. I do like the concentration mechanic. Good point about it slowing down play too. Back to the drawing board!