@TheEdVerse Can you give us any update on the Wyvernspur clan? How is Immersea doing?
— Adam Plouffe (@PlouffeAdam) February 3, 2020
In the 1490s DR, House Wyvernspur flourishes, both financially and in numbers and the personal achievements of its members.
Having passed this family to my good friends Jeff Grubb and Kate Novak back in 1986 (real-world 2)
…dating), I leave Wyernspur lore details to them, though I can mention in passing that Suzail currently (1490s DR) knows an adventurous young man named Everend Paerevel Wyvernspur, and he has slightly older two sisters who are far more…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 5, 2020
…successful and farfaring as adventurers, Lyriasara (“Leera”) and Asmarra (“Mara”), and at least two younger sisters who seldom if ever visit Suzail. Not to mention several uncles who were rather rakish in their day 4)
Immersea I can wax slightly more eloquent about.
It, too, flourishes, its winter population over 4,000 strong, and swelling in summer by over 800, due to wealthy social climbers in both Arabel and Suzail who built or have…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 5, 2020
…rented homes along the shores of the Wyvernwater that they visit for recreational purposes in good summer weather. The town flourishes, now boasting many potters, weavers, and publishers (though the odorous tanneries and 6)
…papermaking mills are elsewhere), and has expanded greatly to the east, along both Wyvernwater shores, and a little to the west, but up and down Calantar’s Way. The Wyvernspurs remain the most prominent local nobility, and…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 5, 2020
…prosperous, locally influential non-noble Immer clans include the families of Beldrar, Coldreth, Fostren, Ghelk, Perinpost (a him family), Sagrask, and Tranther. Local fishing has declined as catches have become smaller, 8)
…likely due to overfishing, and this has resulted in some fisherfolk turning their hand to other work, and at least one, the Ghelks, starting a successful crab hatchery, in a shoreline warehouse just south of the town docks.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 5, 2020