@JeremyECrawford Hi !
Can an archer aim at me while i'm in Darkness fighting and he is not ?? (Drow warlock/warrior with devil's sight )— コランタン (@Jiagah) January 12, 2017
You can shoot into darkness. See "Unseen Attackers and Targets" (PH, 194). #DnD https://t.co/XxYu76yhfX
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 14, 2017
devil sight allows you to see in any darkness magical or not by description so yes he would be able to aim at you
He’s more likely saying that *his* character has Devil’s Sight — he’s the drow. (That’s why he’s in (D)arkness, so he can attack from it but others can’t readily see him. However, as JC noted, there *are* rules for shooting into darkness so the archer can at least *attempt* to fire at him. What JC should have noted also, however, is that the use of the word “aim” is not being used in its normal sense in this case — the archer isn’t “aiming” at the drow, as such, but rather attempting to hit him… so he’s aiming along a line/height in the darkness and hoping for the best.)