Aww look, ’tis but a baby dragon
How cutely doth it snarl and snap and roar
Bites off heads, and spills much gore
As bards excitedly tell us all its lore
And empty flagon after flagon— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 17, 2018
Out swords, all! The North doth rise
Horrid slaughter done before our eyes
And wanton arson that’s no surprise
I hear they’re now a plundering franchise— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 18, 2018
The old castle’s lures in my ravenous kith and kin
With swords brandished and spears hurled they come trooping in
Lopping off heads and arms and less visible bits, they storm the place
And make a rush for the kitchens, to kiss the cook’s…face— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 19, 2018