Sorry if this has been answered before, but are there any mail / message networks in Faerûn; more specifically, in the Sword Coadt? Anything comparable to the Poney Express or a carrier-raven network? Yes, answered many times, but that's okay. :}
Regular caravan runs (so, your message contact points are guilds and coster HQs) and all clergies (temple to shrine to temple trips) carry and deliver keys, messages, deeds and documents, and other small items.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 29, 2021
My pleasure.
Forgot to mention: both delivery streams charge fees, of course; for costers it's the main way of defraying food costs for beasts and riders/wagonmasters, and for clergies it's a major revenue stream.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 30, 2021