You have previously stated to the effect of "improvised weapons count as weapons for the instant you attack with them". Was that simply referencing that you make weapon attacks with them or do they count as actual weapons for that attack?@JeremyECrawford
— Dave Williams (@DaveWil33) January 13, 2018
You can make a weapon attack with all sorts of things: vases, chairs, frying pans, dusty tomes, trophies, hand mirrors, etc. Objects that aren’t normally considered weapons can be treated as such at the DM’s discretion, as explained in the improvised weapon rule. #DnD
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 13, 2018
So, can you use part of your body as an improvised weapon instead of as an unarmed strike as part of an attack in order to have the object that is your body be treated as a weapon at the DM's discretion?
— Thomas "You Can Call Me Tom" (@thomasabarry1) January 13, 2018
A character is a creature, not an object. #DnD
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 13, 2018
Whacking a foe with another creature is entirely in the realm of DM adjudication; no rules govern that situation. When I’m DMing, I use the damage and range guidelines in the improvised weapon rule as a source of inspiration for how to run it. #DnD
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) January 14, 2018