Would a druid/monk multiclass treat natural weapons as monk weapons?

Would a druid/monk multiclass treat natural weapons as monk weapons? And could such a character use Flurry of Blows as a panther to make unarmed strikes?no, unarmed strikes is specific to a humanoid’s fists/feet/knees/etc — Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) January 14, 2018 What about natural weapons as monk weapons? Or is that up to DM interpretation […]

Could a wild shaped tabaxi monk/Druid use the beast’s claws as unarmed strikes?

So a wild shaped tabaxi monk/Druid could use the beast's claws as unarmed strikes then? — The Taoist Jedi (@Taoist_Jedi) September 16, 2017 The tabaxi trait Cat's Claws lets you use the claws in that trait, not the claws of another form, to make unarmed strikes. #DnD https://t.co/HlNKJZXz42 — Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 16, 2017