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Matt Mercer DM Tips: Setting Up Your Gamemaster’s Screen!

here on Geek & Sundry, and today’s episode of GM
Tips involves seeing what’s behind the GM screen

and some tips and tricks on how to prepare
yourself and your station for being a game master.

[intro music plays]

MATT: As a game master, your realm is a blend
of preparation and unexpected chaos and adapting

somewhere between the two of those and, as such,
your area directly behind your GM screen is your

saving grace. It’s a wonderful plane of notes,
information, and various tools to help you in

crafting your story, which will inevitably be
flying directly out of your ass. Let’s take a

look at some of my prepared GM area, then I’ll
give some recommendations and the kind of things

you might want to consider having available behind
yours. Come on, let’s have a look.

Welcome to my domain. Here is my basic set up,
beginning with this. This is the official dungeon

master screen for Fifth Edition D&D. Like a
lot of systems, especially the more popular ones,

make this available with pre-set rules and tables
and breakdowns to remind you as a GM and have

quick access to these various aspects as they come
into your game. Now, even with these official

rules that are given to you, maybe not all of them
are useful to your specific campaign or there

might be aspects of the rule system that come up
more often than others that you want to make sure

are front and center, so you can actually print
these out and tape them individually to the screen

over things that are maybe aren’t as useful. Like
here I have lists about improvising damage, trap

save DCs, and attack bonuses against PCs. I have
damage severity by level, potion of healing

breakdowns so I know what different levels of
healing potions heal what amount. Reminders of

things I forget often, like concentration checks,
highlighted in bright yellow to remind me to

actually remember that (bleep). Actually,
right over here on the far side you can see I have

a collection of my players’ passive perception.
Very useful. That’s the GM screen right there.

You also need some dice. That might come in handy.
Some systems don’t need it, but for the most part

you need some dice. That’s helpful. Of course,
your preparation notes. Over here I have my

campaign notes, which contains a basic player
sheet, a cheat sheet of all the rules and things

that I can come to for quick reference so I don’t
have to have the books nearby, which by the way,

it helps to have the books nearby, just in case. I
have the breakdown in my binder, my little setup

here of the current session as well as maybe a few
previous sessions in case I have to reference them

in the past. I have sheets for custom NPCs and
various monsters they may encounter or have

encountered. I have breakdowns of
various locations in my world with notes on NPCs

and factions and different things that I can refer
to if it comes up during the campaign. That way

I’m not going through my old computer or having to
leave the table to go find it. Just keeping basic

notes at your disposal in your binder is extremely
helpful. I have lists of names for NPCs in case

you have to create something on the spot you can
go ahead and refer to this page. Say one of the

names on the list and then just cross it off and
make a note of where they actually encountered

that NPC for later. This binder becomes a
very helpful tool to make sure that you’re on top

of your game during your actual session.

Next to that you want a notepad. Empty sheets for
scratch notes. You’re going to be taking notes the

whole time, whether it be just marking which
players had cool moments that you want to award

bonus experience or items to down the road, or
those NPCs you just made up. You can go ahead and

write down that basic information that way you can
go back to it later without forgetting that even

happened in the campaign. Scratch pad, really
useful. Also, over to the side here I have

miniatures for monsters they may encounter. That
way they’re readily at my disposal if I go ahead

and throw down a battle map. I have
a nice little timer here. You can do a digital

timer as well. I prefer things a little more
presenter-y like this, but this helps you throw

down a little bit of tension in a time-based
encounter and the players will freak out as soon

as this or a digital timer hits the table and lets
them know you only have five minutes to complete

this challenge. It’s a pretty fun little tool.

Over here I have wet-erase markers. These are very
useful for one, writing notes on your GM screen or

any plastic sheets you have on your screen. These
are also great for battle maps, if all of a sudden

something you prepared goes haywire or the player
pushes in a direction you weren’t expecting, you

can go ahead and sketch down some elements of that
map with some of these wet erase markers.

Very helpful. I have various markers for statuses
and conditions in the game, where a creature or

monster gets poisoned or stunned, I can go ahead
and throw that on to there as well. They have

official ones you can purchase for certain gaming sets.
These are actually just soda tabs that I found multi-colored.

That way it’s cheaper. Also, if you have a party member
who happens to transform a lot, like a druid or

someone with polymorph, it helps to have a
collection of various miniatures that show what

creature they may be able to transform into, once
again preventing you from having to run off to

wherever your collection is in the other room. You
can have these at the ready to pull out at a

moment’s notice. Very helpful.

I have my iPad or whatever you want to use for
music. Soundtrack is a very good way to keep

everyone in your immersive atmosphere. Build up
some of your favorite movie fantasy soundtracks or

even just video game soundtracks that you have at
your disposal. If you’re doing this on Twitch or

anywhere public or live, make sure that you have
permission to use it first, but at your home game

you can play whatever the heck you want. Having
that right behind the screen and readily available

to press or change is a huge boon to
building the atmosphere of the game. I also

have some templates to help me guide the size and
area of certain spells and effects in the game. I

made these, but you can find templates like this
online that you can just download and print out

and laminate, and it costs you practically nothing
and you have equally awesome and functional

templates at your disposal.

There are many, many other cool options you
can prepare and have at the ready and many online

GMing forums like EN World and official RPG
websites that provide an endless source of these

types of recommendations. You can pick and choose
and customize your own GM setup however befits

your own form of storytelling. I just hope this
little glance helped give you any ideas on how to

better prepare your own GM set up. Thank you
so much for watching. My name is Matthew Mercer.

You can go ahead and check out other episodes of
GM Tips here at

I’ll see you next time.


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