Can a Tabaxi quadruple his speed if he dashes and uses feline agility in the same turn?

Can a tabaxi quadruple his speed if he dashes and uses feline agility in the same turn?

The wording about 20 was changed between prints but not documented in errata?

When casting Resurrection, how much of a body do you need to count it as a ‘creature’?

Can you retrain the cantrips and spell from Magic initiate feat or stuck with what spells you picked?

Are sentient items still sentient in an antimagic field?

Does Shield Master allow a character to take no damage on a successful DEX save against an Area of Effect spell?

If a raging barbarian is polymorphed through the spell Polymorph, is the rage still ongoing?

Regarding latest statement on Long Rest, copying a spell to a spellbook can be viewed as light activity?