According to the 4e Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide, there was a significant minority of dragonborn and genasi in Luruar. Is this info still true in the 1490s?

Say a cleric of Bahamut cuts a deal with an evil dragon out of necessity, how would Bahamut feel about his cleric?

About death and afterlife before the Time of Troubles

Families of Waterdeep: Tramnur

What do you think Halaster Blackcloak’s favorite candy/sweet is?

What will be the states of Mystril and Karsus after the end of spell?

DISCOVER Netheril: Empire of Magic

As of the 15th c DR, do the Sylvan Guardians still exist within Shadowdale?

Assuming you used mummies in your Forgotten Realms, where did you envision them coming from?