What is your favorite ability from 5e?

CommentI’ve been playing 5e with my friends for over a year now thanks to the playtests and we’ve already houseruled a few things back in (expertise dice instead of proficiency to skills for example) but I have two major questions:
The Draconic bloodline sorceror adds damage to their relevant damage type. Say we have a red dragon sorceror who casts Wall of Fire. Do they add charisma to each tick of it , or just the damage dealt on cast. Do they also add damage for each individual hit of Scorching Ray?
Do teleportation effects like Dimension Door and Misty Step automatically break grapple? What about non-spell like abilities like the Shadow Monks shadow teleportation.
Also, what is your favorite ability from 5e. For me, it’s the Bend Luck feature for Wild Magic Sorcerors (lots of fun to make creatures fail their saves).
I believe it is the damage dealt on casting.
I’d say any teleportation breaks a grapple, unless it brings everyone grappling along for the ride.
Favorite ability: I love the rogue’s cunning action. Makes them feel tricky, like they always have something up their sleeve. from discussion AMA: Mike Mearls, Co-Designer of D&D 5, Head of D&D R&D.

Is there a reason there isn’t a spell to summon fiends?

CommentIs there a reason there isn’t a spell to summon fiends, like there is with elementals, fey and celestials? Will that be in the DMG?Fiends are a special case – the nature of the Abyss and the Nine Hells makes summoning them very difficult and at the cost of a sacrifice. It’s something that we leave in the DM’s hands. from discussion AMA: Mike Mearls, Co-Designer of D&D 5, Head of D&D R&D.

I’m an aspiring writer and game developer, where do I get started?

Comment from discussion Hey Mike! I’m an aspiring writer and game developer in NYC, aka I make absolutely no money. Jokes aside, I’ve gotten into DnD lately, and 5e was my first tabletop rpg I’ve ever played. After a few sessions I started to think about making something like a DayZ rpg, really focused on the DayZ world and some of the mods too. I know it’s a huge question, but where do I get started? What should I think about going in, what kind of mechanics are absolutely key to pin down early? How do I start this massive journey!
Thanks in advance, really loving 5e!The best way to start is to throw together some basic mechanics and try playing. For something like DayZ, think about the stuff in the game that’s important to you. If you were to tell someone the most exciting story you can imagine about playing DayZ, what are the things you talk about?
That stuff is the key to your game – make sure your mechanics support it, and let everything else fall aside from now.
From there, try running a session or two. As GM, take note of stuff you need and stuff that turns out to be bothersome and revise as needed.
If you get stuck in a rut, try this mental exercise – think about stuff that would be absolutely terrible ideas for your game. Then, think about why they’re bad ideas. That can help shed light on what your game needs or is missing.
Finally, err on the side of simplicity. It’s much easier to start simple and add what you need than wrestle with complex rules.AMA: Mike Mearls, Co-Designer of D&D 5, Head of D&D R&D