Sharn is under attack by a zombie plague, dragon, war or similar huge ongoing catastrophe. Apart from the Spotlighted PCs, The Redcloaks and Sharn Watch, Who else would be on urgent response for short term, and long term defense/Evacuation of the city if needed? The Blackened Book for magical support, the Guardians of the Gate to manage long term defense or coordinate evacuation.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 18, 2020
If it's a plague, I'd expect the mayor to coordinate with House Jorasco.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 18, 2020
Sure. This is covered on page 130 of the Sharn sourcebook: 'The knights and paladins of the church
Okay, that’s helpful, and in a campaign to reclaim the city- What about the silver flame? I know they are from thrane but if Zombies were overrunning a city would they intervene? (Plague or not) templars of the Silver Flame are allowed to “do
battle with inhuman forces of darkness as it is
necessary to protect the peoples of Khorvaire.”'— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 18, 2020
But there's not very MANY of them. The sourcebook notes that Coldflame Keep, built as a garrison for a hundred templars, currently only quarters eight.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 18, 2020