To permanently kill off an Prince of Elemental Evil, would one have to kill it on its own plane?

Planning on running the original Ravenloft module, any tips?

Sage Advice is on Tumblr!


Sage Advice opens today on Tumblr!

Here is the link:

It’s a little different from this website: there are classic Dungeons and Dragons Questions&Answers but I’ve added some nice revised pictures that comes from ancient fantasy novels plus another new function Ask where you can ask me questions with this Tumblr link:

I’ll try to answer you but remember: I’m not a Dungeons&Dragons designer, I’m just a librarian that collects and study designers answers of the best game ever made.

I hope you like it.

Your humble
Zoltar the Sage

How would you go about doing a who dunnit murder mystery in your D&D game?