@PatientRock1Trying “When Armies Clash”! Hoping you can clear up— what’s stand’s HP value? All 10 creatures added up or HP of 1 of them?
HP of 1
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 26, 2015
@PatientRock1Trying “When Armies Clash”! Hoping you can clear up— what’s stand’s HP value? All 10 creatures added up or HP of 1 of them?
HP of 1
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 26, 2015
@ChewBobcca @JeremyECrawfordWhen dismissed can familiars take small objects with them into the pocket dimension? I'd say yes, but randomly determine how long it can keep it there, 3d6 minutes maybe
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 25, 2015
@ChewBobcca This ruling made my DM grumble a bit, so I am certainly in your debt.
ah! Remember that your DM is the final arbiter of rules!
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 25, 2015
@ChewBobccaI will. He respects the wisdom of the Sages, and suggested I contact you. Loving D&D Next!
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 25, 2015
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Chris I made an NPC who is the Witchfinder General in town, He's good but acts bad! Would his Deity deny him powers?
— David Howe (@theREALDaveHowe) April 24, 2015
Probably, but an evil deity might step in to insidiously fill the void. https://t.co/7CtuPRuXAd
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 24, 2015
Hey guys! Favorite dungeon crawl in a dwarven ruin? Any version of the game.
@jasonhobson @ChrisPerkinsDnD @gregbilsland @mikemearlshey guys! Favorite dungeon crawl in a dwarven ruin? Any version of the game. Hard to say anything other than Forge of Fury.
— Rodney Thompson (@wotc_rodney) April 2, 2015
@GSLLC @JeremyECrawford#DnD #5e question: Does the spell, Counterspell, work against a creature’s innate spell-like ability? works against anything that is a spell. so, a creature that has an ability to cast fireball would be subject to it
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 25, 2015
@GSLLC @JeremyECrawfordBut Medusa’s gaze. “Magical” but not a spell, so can’t be counterspelled, right? Drow innate spell could be.
correct – ability must boil down to “creature casts X” where X is a spell
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 25, 2015
Here are the house rules I applied to the 1981 Basic D&D rules. Ran game, modded to get what I wanted. Results: 1981 House Rules
Ability Mods: We use the 3e/4e convention (+1 or -1 per 2 above/below 10)
Saving Throws: These are ability checks, DC determined by DM
Attacks: Ability check, plus a class based bonus
Fighter: +1 every odd level
Cleric/Thief: +1 at level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
Magic-User: No bonus
Thief Abilities: These work a bit differently.
Open Locks, Find or Remove Traps, Pick Pockets, Hide in Shadows are all things only thieves can do. Hide in shadows is literally that – hide in situations where other people can’t. The thief makes a check with a bonus equal to the % listed on page B8 divided by 5.
Move Silently, Climb Sheer Surfaces, Hear Noise are all things that anyone can try. The rogue has advantage when he tries any of them.
Advantage: Roll an extra d20, take the highest result. If you get advantage more than once, take an extra die.
Disadvantage: Roll an extra die, but take the lowest. If you have advantage, disadvantage zaps one die per instance of disadvantage.
Hit Points: Upgrade everyone by one die type, you get maximum hit points at level 1 + half your Constitution score.
Hit Dice: You can use your hit dice to heal. You get hit dice equal to your total HD, spend them when resting, each die gets a bonus equal to your Con modifier.
Dwarves: Increase class’s hit die by one size. Infravision 60 feet. Can use Find or Remove Traps in underground locations.
Elves: Can alternate between magic-user and any other class, have infravision 60 feet.
Halflings: Can Hide in Shadows as a thief, get a +2 bonus to AC, but use an HD one step smaller and can’t use two-handed weapons.
Humans: Gain a +1 bonus to any two stats, or +2 to one stat (maximum 18).
Weapons: d4, d6, d8, or d12, class access based on die size
Fighter: All
Cleric: d6, bludgeoning d8
Thief: d6
Magic-User: d4
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 17, 2015
The Basic D&D mods answered the question in 2012 for me – what would I add to a very simple D&D ruleset to make myself happy?
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) April 17, 2015
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Mr. Perkins, how would you suggest someone with a genuine passion for D&D and Writing get involved with WotC??
— JB Little (@AnOsvaldo257) April 20, 2015
I know that @christulach is always on the hunt for OP adventure designers who know the rules and know how to write. https://t.co/vLNXY475DL
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 20, 2015
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Worldbuilding: Island where wood elf druids & rangers guard portal to Arborea. What one deity to the elves worship?
— Eric Radej (@yetibex) April 19, 2015
Rillifane Rallathil, elven god of nature, is an obvious choice. Fenmarel Mestarine, if the guardians are outcasts. https://t.co/CD6UQYFizW
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 19, 2015
@ChrisPerkinsDnD What if they're not in the Realms? ;P
— Mike Draco (@digitaldraco) April 19, 2015
Then use Asmodeus. The elves are pagan outcasts helping the infernal legions enslave the wild denizens of Arborea. https://t.co/TKwOiIonhx
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 19, 2015