@s_grindelandConsider Awakened Disciplines (eg Conquering Mind) “see” change to “perceive”? Im going blind mystic w/ fortunately amenable DM. it'll require some finesse in wording, but that's a good idea
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 10, 2015
Find Familiar component
@JeremyECrawford Find Familiar: Does a component pouch/arcane focus provide/sub for the brass brazier? Seems an intentionally big component.
— CK (@seekay) July 2, 2015
The 10 gp of other components need to be burned in something, brazier or not. https://t.co/Ksltsi13zX
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) July 2, 2015
Nervous DM?
@tonymccallie biggest thing to remember – the DM can't be wrong. You're final authority on rules, world, story. Just roll with it.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 10, 2015
@tonymccallie Also – focus on what's fun, not what's right. If the players are excited and engaged, you're doing it right.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 10, 2015
@tonymccallie Finally, being a DM is like any skill. You'll suck at first, but keep at it and you will get better.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 10, 2015
How long does the suprised status last?
@GrazelSeeing a discussion and want an official WotC answer. How long does the suprised status last (due to an assassin feature) end of creature's first turn – roll initiative as normal, and once surprised creature first turn has passed it is not surprised
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) October 8, 2014
@Boxvoko @GrazelSorry for necrotweeting, but does this mean that a surprised guy can get high initiative and not let the assassin crit? believe so, yes
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 29, 2015
Aofel back?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD I know this have been ask many times I guess, but will we ever see Aeofel again in Acquisition Incorporated PAX shows? 😉
— Maciej Porada (@SeraphiN90) July 6, 2015
I'd love to have Aeofel back, but that's out of my control. Wil and Patrick would make an awesome onstage team. https://t.co/jygbXwahYc
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) July 7, 2015
Casting two spell per turn
@jeffreynbakerCan I use Action Surge to cast two 1 Action spells per turn? Or does the only one action spell, one bonus rule still apply? You can do that – the only restriction applies if you specifically use a bonus action to cast a spell
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 10, 2015
Aarakocra take off
@neologiker @JeremyECrawfordHow much room does an aarakocra need to take off/fly? I can’t find details on wing span for 5e. DM's call – it's not something we specify for fliers in general and didn't want the aarakocra to be exception
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 10, 2015
@neologiker @JeremyECrawford that said, i'd say that 15 – 20 feet is probably sensible, but the game's balance doesn't rest on it
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 10, 2015
Dragonlance Psionic
@DragonhelmJust curious what relationship, if any, the 5e mystic would have to the Dragonlance mystic. Do you see them as one and the same? at first blush, i'd see them as different. very different story/world roles IIRC
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) July 10, 2015