and @ProJared for respective reasons, if I was rewriting the plane shift innistrad Inquisitor background to fit forgotten realms or just make it more generalized what/where/who would I use to replace: Saint Raban, Avacyn, and Thraben Or for the info in the background so when players look at they're not thrown off by MTG plane shift places and people, we generally Homebrew world's but I like staying in the forgotten realms so was curious what we could change to make fit either FR or overall generalized
— Drew Malland (@Aion1725) January 13, 2019
If I were writing it for a generic setting, I’d say “the writings of my faith,” “the laws of the church,” and “the central cathedral/temple of the church,” or something like that. That gives player and DM freedom to match it with any appropriate faith. #wotcstaff
— James Wyatt (@aquelajames) January 13, 2019