JayeEmEdgecliff @jayeedgecliff
…For a more peaceful mode of combat that can be comfortably (if maybe creatively) used alongside the usual options of swords and axes?— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2020
So we went to Mind Wrestling in issue #25 of THE DRAGON (yes, we’re ooold), which if you can’t get the issue boils down to this:
Draw a straight track of spaces big enough for a penny or other handy marker (a meeple). Eleven or…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2020
…thirteen squares long, or less (7 or even 5, but an odd number) if you want combat to go faster. For fisticuffs or unarmed combat or simple martial arts (I’m wearing knuckledusters or holding a handy vase and swinging it, or 4)
…snatching and hurling handy furniture, but otherwise bare-handed), player says what they’re trying, DM says what NPC is trying, and they both roll a d10 or 12; high roll wins. Move the penny from the center square of the…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2020
…track where it starts (hence, odd number) one space closer to the losing character’s end of the track. Repeat, saying again what you’re trying (so, DM can describe the fight, with tables being smashed, that vase shattering 7)
…over a PC’s head, or whatever; this description gives opportunities for someone to throw away a key, or toss something to a third party or into a fire, or open a door or some other “not pure fighting” action, during the fray).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2020
Move the penny again. What the DM describes, happens, until someone surrenders, flees, or gets disabled. If the penny reaches one end of the track, the character at that end loses definitively (knocked cold, limb broken, 9)
…captured or pinned helplessly, manacled; whatever fits).
Some gamers will condemn this as too simple. We just want to get on with the story.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2020
Players who think this simplistic little system is too unfair to their character avoid unarmed combat situations.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 8, 2020