Secondary question: Do mimics poop? If not…where do their victims remains go? 🤔
— Dark Galaxies Gaming (@DarkGalaxiesDM) June 18, 2019
@ChrisPerkinsDnD or @JeremyECrawford? Any insight?
The fans need to know!
— Dark Galaxies Gaming (@DarkGalaxiesDM) June 18, 2019
Mimic poop mimics non-poopy things.
Viari: "Mm, look at these chocolate-covered strawberries …" [takes a bite]
Omin [seeing the dead mimic]: "I don't think that's chocolate …" #DnD #NotARule @PatrickRothfuss @TychoBrahe
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) June 18, 2019