@GunnerMcGrathDash can or cannot be taken twice in a turn, once as an action and once as a bonus action (for rogues and monks)? A rogue using Cunning Action and a monk using Step of the Wind can use Dash twice on a turn (action + bonus action).
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) February 10, 2015
so for speed of 30′ a double dash would be 120′ right?
Sneaky Michael
If you are refferring to thief: Movement 30′ + Dash 30′ + Dash 30′ = Total 90′
If you are Wood Elf Monk, 90 is the slow lane
why is it only 90′ if using dash as a bonus action lets you move 30 then another 30 and then you use your action to dash why wouldn’t it be another 30 +30 for a total of 120′ that’s what makes sense to me
Check this answer https://www.sageadvice.eu/2014/09/01/the-fastest-rogue/
that doesn’t explain why I was under the assumption that the dash action let you move your speed twice so if uses as a bonus action ten as an action why wouldn’t that be a total of 4 moves it seems the way its written that’s how i understand it
ok i re read it and i see my mistake but let me ask this if the rogue used cunning action to dash could he then also move and attack essentially moving 90 feet base on a base speed of 30
As Rogue you can Move Action 30′ + Attack action + Dash Action as Cunning Action (Bonus action) 30′ all these action can be made in diffeent order, your total movement is 60′
Check here https://www.sageadvice.eu/2015/04/12/dash/
I’m sorry ya’all, I’m apparently afoul of the officials here, but I think something broke somewhere: Why doesn’t the general concept of “effects don’t stack” apply here, the “Dash” having been used once in place of an action?
I just think there *must* be some oversight here, because this makes a typical L3 Rogue capable of simply outrunning a Unicorn (speed 50 feet) and even an Ancient Red Dragon – whose *flying* speed is only 80 feet.
So, you just nerfed the whole Monster Manual. Except Djinnn, maybe.
Hate me for it, but at my table you get to add the effects of “Dash” once per movement – whether you got it from trading in your action for Dash or because you’ve got Cunning Action. Either way there’s no tripling-down on Dashes.
Flatly, I love 5E but this part’s brokeded.
I agree with this sentiment and think it seems broken, though it is worth considering that 90 feet in 6 seconds is only about 10 miles/hour.
Rogue: move 30 = action Dash 30 = Cunning action Dash = 90ft and done, no actions left
Unicorn move 50 = action Dash 50 = 100ft and I’ve just passed the rogue.
This does not seem broken.
The unicorn and dragon can dash too.
So a Tabaxi that can double it’s movement speed can move 60 + 60 + 60 = 180 feet?
yes they are cheetah