Confused by the ruling that says you roll 1 dmg dice for Magic Missile & then multiple by the number of darts you cast

4 thoughts on “Confused by the ruling that says you roll 1 dmg dice for Magic Missile & then multiple by the number of darts you cast

  1. PyroArrow says:

    It’s something even in the original 1E where things were mentioned to be done in different ways. It’s a hidden thing where if you were coming from B/X you would understand the basic stuff but an experienced player would know to read more into it for something that is more complex. It’s like trying to read a scroll for a lightning bolt but you only see it as a burning hands spell.

    Anyways, every group I have ever played D&D with, rolled separately for each Magic Missile cast. If you want to simplify it, then go ahead and do so.

  2. Clayton Clymer says:

    Super simple, cast your level of magic missile, throw the number of d4s in a tub each one gets its own +1 modifier. Allocate which missiles hit which enemy.

  3. Joe Greene says:

    It is simple each time the spell is cast it creates a set number of missiles which deal identical damage.So when you cast you roll the 1d4+1 and that is how much each missile does… assuming a single target the total damage is what you rolled times the number of missiles…

  4. Evan Farshadow says:

    It does not say *each* dart, it says *a* dart. The intent is all the missiles hit simultaneously in the same exact way. It is not an iterative attack, it is a simultaneous burst of damage to potentially multiple targets, thus qualifying it as an AoE spell, at which you roll the damage die once and apply it for each target.

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