So min/maxer or munchkin players actually recognize that they are so?

One thought on “So min/maxer or munchkin players actually recognize that they are so?

  1. Min/maxing is not a problem! The game is filled with ways to customize your character to make them stronger and is built on a system that actively incentivizes you to optimize, and rewards it. Who cares!? If someone likes min/maxing they’re having fun! Maybe they shine in combat encounters but do nothing the rest of the time. Why is this an issue!? Why would it be an issue for a character to only be good at one thing while the others shine in certain situations? Hell this sounds more like a great emergent aspect of the game to me! If you seriously can’t stand someone who min/max’s, you have a specific and personal preference that is completely arbitrary and made up. Min/maxing is not a player problem, but having problems with min/maxing is an everyone else problem.

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