At which point of combat does a character gain a reaction and when does it reset?

2 thoughts on “At which point of combat does a character gain a reaction and when does it reset?

  1. Andrew says:

    Page 189, Combat Step by Step suggests that a round is defined as the turns between the highest initiative and the lowest initiative rather than between each character’s turn. You get a reaction reset when your turn starts unless you’ve used a reaction already this round. Pages 190 and 193 must be interpreted together rather than superseding or individually.

  2. Toke Bendix Petersen says:

    i read as RAW that if someone is using reaction on you, you can only continue your turn after that players reaction and that is including another reaction. So you cant react on a reaction.

    “If the reaction interrupts another creature’s turn, that creature can continue its turn right after the reaction.”

    Not before.. page 190.

    Is this true…

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