I’m curious about the design intent by having Identifying a Spell take a reaction/action

2 thoughts on “I’m curious about the design intent by having Identifying a Spell take a reaction/action

  1. In a large scale battle with war mages on each side I could see Rary’s Telepathic Bond being used with scholar mages using sensory enhancing magics to watch the enemy mages and tell the counterspelling bards what spell they are casting.

    I wonder though would having Detect Magic up allow you to watch a mage build up the magical energies of the spell and thus detect Subtle Spells?

    I could see a ruling for allowing a caster with Detect Magic up to be able to both interpret the nature of a spell being cast and be able to counterspell it. By understanding the penalty of the opportunity cost of concentrating on Detect Magic compared to the far more powerful spells available it would be reasonable to grant that benefit in my mind.

    Or have a feat/class benefit for a war mage. In fact being able to identify spells without using a reaction or use a reaction with the opportunity to combine the act of identifying with a counterspell would be a much better 6th level Feature than “Power Surge” which is awkward to deal with and not very useful.

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