15 years ago I painted my first warforged, as a fan of Eberron. Tomorrow, I have a warforged soldier published in an Eberron book

On your map of the Forgotten Realms, 2e or 3e, I can’t find a drain for the Sea of Fallen Stars. Does the Sea drain into the Ocean?

How is Elminster these days? Is he back to his old self?

Does Loudwater and Secomber have guilds or are they every merchant for themselves?

About to scale an adventure for tier 1 characters up for a 15th level party. Any advice from folks with experience in this?

I just wondering if in the Eastern Realms, well the Kozakura area mainly, do they have Yokai?

I will use as background a sudden rise of Talos to the greater god

“Well, but of COURSE. Wolf, may I remind you that I am the Mistress of Disguises?”