The ideal adventuring party: the Golden Girls!

Hey guys! You’re all fired from D&D. Find another game.

Has there been any monster that you really wanted to add to 5e but you didn’t get the chance to?

Comment Has there been any monster – either an old one from previous editions or a new idea – that you really wanted to add to 5e but you didn’t get the chance to?

mikemearls41 points20 days ago
I’d love to do some of Eberron aberrations – the dolgrim and dolgaunt were fun, and had a fun origin.

I also would like to bring back Torog as a demon lord, along with the wrackspawn. from discussion AMA: Mike Mearls, D&D Creative Director.

Gunslinger Deadeye Shot. Does that mean the character can use it repeatedly to get advantage on every attack in a turn?

You can download Gunslinger Archetype here:

Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 13.02.40

Anyone got any cool baby D&D gift ideas?

Is it ever addressed why goblinoids have not developed a dragonmark on Khorvaire?